Grigor Kumitski

Hi, Mark!

I am from Bulgaria. I have two 3-leg spider dolly and three rails from you. I am extremely pleased with this product and recommend it everywhere. I was an DOP of television series and there I used constantly this dolly. I've used it in line with the red one and film cameras. I am attaching a few pictures then show "Forbidden Love". I'll give you more shots next time!

Grigor Kumitski

Spider Dolly, Losmandy FlexTrak

Grigor Kumitski

Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski

Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski
Grigor Kumitski